Love Quotes Collection

As we grow older together, As we continue to change with age, There is one thing that will never change. . . I will always keep falling in love with you.
Karen Clodfelder

Give her two red roses, each with a note. The first note says For the woman I love and the second, For my best friend.

Two souls with but a single thought, Two hearts that beat as one.
Friedrich Halm

Two lives, two hearts joined together in friendship united forever in love.

Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly.
Rose Franken

Friends will keep you sane, Love could fill your heart, A lover can warm your bed, But lonely is the soul without a mate.
David Pratt

You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her

Men always want to be a woman's first love. Women have a more subtle instinct: What they like is to be a man's last romance.
Oscar Wilde

Grow old along with me the best is yet to be.
Robert Browning

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye
H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.
H. Jackson Brown Jr

As a Rose absorbs the nutrients it feeds on and as it thrives to see the sun as it must to survive...... the Rose becomes more beautiful and in turn will provide sunshine to those who can behold it's beauty. Fortunate is the Man who can see the Rose within a Woman. Blessed is the man who this Woman holds to be her nutrient, her sunshine.
Art Denton

Live the life you've dreamed
Henry David Thoreau

We sat side by side in the morning light and looked out at the future together.
Brian Andres

Marriage is a romance in which the hero dies in the first chapter.

don't want to be near you for the thoughts we share but the words we never have to speak.
Nikki Giovanni

Nothing spoils a romance so much as a sense of humor in the woman.
Oscar Wilde

1856-1900, British Author, Wit

We sat side by side in the morning light and looked out at the future together.
Brian Andres

Grow old with me! The best is yet to be.
Robert Browning

She who makes her husband and her children happy, who reclaims the one from vice, and trains up the other to virtue, is a much greater character than the ladies described in romance, whose whole occupation is to murder mankind with shafts from their quiver or their eyes.
Oliver Goldsmith

1728-1774, Anglo-Irish Author, Poet, Playwright

Now join your hands, and with your hands your hearts.
William Shakespeare

Jealousy is the only vice that gives no pleasure.

Any walk through a park that runs between a double line of mangy trees and passes brazenly by the ladies toilet is invariably known as ''Lover's Lane.''
Source Unknown

He must have a truly romantic nature, for he weeps when there is nothing at all to weep about.
Oscar Wilde

1856-1900, British Author, Wit

Love Aint Love If You Have To Question It
Vijay Singh

15 living in eastlond,stratford,sexy and wise,kind and caring with a uinque bubbly strong positive attitude towards life

I'm a romantic -- a sentimental person thinks things will last -- a romantic person hopes against hope that they won t.
Source Unknown

Rather would I have the love songs of romantic ages, rather Don Juan and Madame Venus, rather an elopement by ladder and rope on a moonlight night, followed by the father's curse, mother's moans, and the moral comments of neighbors, than correctness and propriety measured by yardsticks.
Emma Goldman

1869-1940, American Anarchist

And what's romance? Usually, a nice little tale where you have everything As You Like It, where rain never wets your jacket and gnats never bite your nose and it's always daisy-time.
D. H. Lawrence

1885-1930, British Author

Writers of novels and romance in general bring a double loss to their readers; robbing them of their time and money; representing men, manners, and things, that never have been, or are likely to be.
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

1689-1762, British Society Figure, Letter Writer

Love stories are only fit for the solace of people in the insanity of puberty. No healthy adult human being can really care whether so-and-so does or does not succeed in satisfying his physiological uneasiness by the aid of some particular person or not.
Aleister Crowley

1875-1947, British Occultist

For suddenly, I saw you there And through foggy London town The sun was shining everywhere...
George Gershwin

Marriage is a romance in which the hero dies in the first chapter.
Source Unknown

Music makes one feel so romantic - at least it always gets on one's nerves -which is the same thing nowadays.
Oscar Wilde

Romanticism is not just a mode; it literally eats into every life. Women will never get rid of just waiting for the right man.
Anita Brookner

1938-, British Novelist, Art Historian

I loved you when love was Spring, and May, Loved you when summer deepened into June, and now when autumn yellows all the leaves...
V. Sackville-West

One kind kiss before we part, Drop a tear and bid adieu; Though we sever, my fond heart Till we meet shall pant for you.
Robert Dodsley

What's the difference between the music of my generation and today s. Our songs were about Love and Romance, today's music is chiefly about sex; which I might add gets a little boring.
David A. Vigilanti

A beauty is a woman you notice; A charmer is one who notices you. Adlai Stevenson (1900-1965)
Adlai Stevenson

No sooner met but they looked; No sooner looked but they loved; No sooner loved but they sighed; No sooner sighed but they asked one another the reason; No sooner knew the reason but they sought the remedy.

In bed my real love has always been the sleep that rescued me by allowing me to dream.
John Boyle O'Reilly

No age seemed the age of romance to itself.
Thomas Carlyle

1795-1881, Scottish Philosopher, Author

A in a mans life is a state of mind, it keeps changing.

Saying that men talk about baseball in order to avoid talking about their feelings is the same as saying that women talk about their feelings in order to avoid talking about baseball.
Deborah Tannen

Romance like a ghost escapes touching; it is always where you are not, not where you are. The interview or conversation was prose at the time, but it is poetry in the memory.
George William Curtis

1824-1892, American Journalist

It is a known fact that men are practical, hardheaded realists, in contrast to women, who are romantic dreamers and actually believe that estrogenic skin cream must do something or they couldn't charge sixteen dollars for that little tiny jar.
Jane Goodsell

Romance has been elegantly defined as the offspring of fiction and love.
Isaac Disraeli

My beloved is only water, which is always flowing, and doesn't deceive, which is always flowing, and doesn't change, which is always flowing, and doesn't end.
Juan Ram�n Jim�nes

And I will make thee beds of roses, And a thousand fragrant posies.
Marie-Antoinette, Queen

Kiss me im Irish (and your hot)
Adam DeBlois


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    Quotes for our Hearts

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